The aim of this project

To deploy and test quantum key distribution systems tailored to the specific needs of Sweden. This includes validation of different implementations to identify the most effective solutions for secure communications in Sweden : metropolitan networks, long-distance networks, terrestrial to satellite links and submarine links that are needed owing to the specific geography of the country.

To create a national community focussed on advancing quantum technology and foster collaboration between research partners, industrial companies ranging from Ericsson to emerging spinoffs

The goals of this project

Deploy a national testbed for quantum communication technologies

Integrate the national testbed with existing quantum communication networks to prepare for the deployment of the full EuroQCIv

Train users in quantum communication technologies and EU member states

The consortium

The consortium is comprised of world leading experts from Sweden with relevant expertise in key classical and quantum aspects needed to establish a secure communication network by bringing together the classical communication industry in sync with the emerging quantum communication industry. All consortium teams are involved in all work packages, so to strengthen synergies, collaboration and communication in the consortium also at the level of the work package and its tasks, where the partners will be working together in a targeted way on a day-to-day basis to achieve the key aims of deploying advanced national quantum system and networks for testing quantum communication technologies and for integrating them with existing communication networks.

The consortium is directed by Professor Katia Gallo whose research team at KTH will co-ordinate with the research teams other partners from : Chalmers University of Technology (Dr Rui Lin); Ericsson AB (Dr Gemma Vall-llosera); Linköpings university (Associate professor Guilherme B Xavier); Stockholm University (Professor Mohamed Bourennane); quCertify (Dr Sadiq Muhammad); Quantum Scopes (Professor Val Zwiller)


The NQCIS project consortium Consists of the following members


Learn about the latest project developments

Hub Inaguration

A pilot quantum communications facility has been inaugurated at KTH Royal Institute of Technology (KTH). It will serve as Sweden’s launching platform for the new EU quantum communications network. – I want to highlight that Read more…


Contact information

Project Leader

Katia Gallo, Professor

Project Manager

Daniel Vare, PhD

Please follow us on Twitter:

The work is part of the project “ DIGITAL-2022-QCI-02-DEPLOY-NATIONAL". (Project number: 101113375— NQCIS) funded by the European Union together with VInnova and Wallenberg Centre for Quantum Technology - WACQT

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